Viennese Coffeehouses
Viennese Coffeehouses play a very important role in the lifes of Viennese people: you can enjoy your coffee, take a time out, get together with your friends, read the newspaper or a good book and indulge on one of the Viennese sweet delicacies: it is completely normal to linger around for hours.
Along to the coffee you usually get served a glass of cold tap water.
The Viennese Coffeehouses are an old institution, they are so ancient and traditional that the even maide it on the list of UNESCOs Intangiable Cultural Heritage!
The Coffeehouses offer various coffee-specialities: from Viennese specialities to international coffee specialities.
Coffeehouses can be really small, or combined with a restaurant (café-restaurant) or a confectionary (café-confectionary) or even with a bookshop, bar or music club.
Coffees and desserts
Here we listed some of the most popular coffees
Brauner – can be ordered in large or small. Black coffee with added milk – so it gets its brown colour
Kleiner Schwarzer – Espresso or Mokka
Espresso – can be ordered in large or small. Black coffee from the Espresso-machine.
Einspänner – a double espresso with whipped cream
Verlängerter – eine Tasse leichter Kaffee
Mokka – Black coffee in a large or small mocha-cup
Teeschale licht – große Tasse Kaffee mit viel Milch
Melange – large cup of coffee with hot milk foam
Kaisermelange – large mocha without milk, but stirred with an egg yolk, honey, cognac or brandy
Kapuziner – small mocha with some drops of cream